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B2/C1 Communication-based Method Courses


111 hours

B2/C1 Communication-based Method Courses (avancé)

Language learning is provided with a speech-based method instead of the classical learning method. Instead of intensive grammar topics, useful information in everyday conversation is taught. Below are the contents of the lessons. As you can see, they are all useful in daily life.

A sample course content is as follows. For example: ''Les cafés de Paris''

First, the dialogue is listened to twice. Afterwards, the teacher asks the student questions about the dialogue. The student answers. Thus, the listening comprehension activity is realized. Then, the third listening activity is done by seeing the dialogue. This step is important for the student to better understand the dialogue and pronunciation.

After visually examining the dialogue, synonyms and French explanations of B2 level words are given in a basic way.

After the vocabulary study, the topic sentence contexts are explained to the student with examples. Following these studies, reading comprehension activities are carried out. The activity below is a reading comprehension activity. The teacher asks the student questions about the text.

After this study, a reinforcement study is carried out on the learned words and sentences. Thus, students' vocabulary and speaking skills improve. Vocabulary and communication exercises are as follows.

Thanks to these studies, the student's communication skills improve. The last activity is the speaking activity. Students are asked questions about the subject and are expected to answer orally. An example for a speaking activity is as follows:

All course materials and reinforcement videos on the subject are shared in a private classroom. In Classroom, students can ask their teacher any questions they want.

There are 7 units and 111 hours of lessons and different topics in total. The course content is as follows:

I. Situation concrète (18 lessons)

1. Parler des quantités (2)

2. Décrire (2)

3. Parler des objets (2)

4. Pannes et réparations (2)

5. Parler de cuisine, de repas (2)

6. La météo (2)

7. L'état général (2)

8. Les mouvements (3)

II. Interactions (17 lessons)

9. Demander ou donner des nouvelles (2)

10. Aider (2)

11. Demander, accepter, refuser (2)

12. Réunions, conférences (2)

13. Les responsabilités (2)

14. Gérer les conflits (3)

15. Plaisanter, tromper (2)

16. Allusions et sous-entendus (2)

III. Opinions (17) lessons)

17. Le débat et l'opinion (3)

18. Dire ou ne pas dire ? (3)

19. Réagir, commenter (3)

20. Parler d'un projet (2)

21. Évaluer un travail (2)

22. Préférence, indifférence (2)

23. Gaffes, erreurs (2)

IV. Comportements et émotions (14 lessons)

24. Les comportements (3)

25. Illusions, apparences et réalités (3)

26. Manières et moyens (2)

27. Découragement, frustration, récupération (2)

28. Soucis, appréhensions, peurs (2)

29. Exprimer ses sentiments (2)

V. Raisonnements (16 lessons)

30. Nuancer, atténuera, préciser (2)

31. Expliquer, comprendre, ne pas comprendre (3)

32. Réfléchir, argumenter (2)

33. Établir des comparaisons (3)

34. Incrédulité et certitudes (2)

35. Causes, excuses et conséquences (2)

36. Conditions, hypothèses, probabilités (2)

VI. Travail, Sociétés (14 lessons)

37. Risques, dangers, nécessités (3)

38. Action et inaction (2)

39. Réussites et échecs (2)

40. Connaissances et compétences (2)

41. L'emploi (2)

42. L'argent (3)

VII. Passage du temps (12 lessons)

43. Le temps qui passe (2)

44. Mémoire, oubli, regrets (3)

45. Hasards, fatalisme et opportunités (3)

46. Effets de mode (2)

47. Perspectives d'avenir (2)

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