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A Pronunciation Guide to the Turkish Alphabet

Updated: Jun 20

Learning to pronounce the Turkish alphabet correctly is an essential step in mastering the Turkish language. Each letter has a specific sound, and understanding these can significantly improve your communication skills. In this guide, we will go through the Turkish alphabet and focus on some specific letters that might be challenging for English speakers.

The Turkish Alphabet

The Turkish alphabet consists of 29 letters, derived from the Latin script, with a few additional characters to accommodate sounds specific to Turkish. Here is the complete list of the Turkish alphabet:

A, B, C, Ç, D, E, F, G, Ğ, H, I, İ, J, K, L, M, N, O, Ö, P, R, S, Ş, T, U, Ü, V, Y, Z

Turkish Letter Pronunciation

C and Ç

  • C: Pronounced like the 'j' in "jungle". Example: "cane" (a type of plant).

  • Ç: Pronounced like the 'ch' in "chocolate". Example: "chess" (a board game).

G and Ğ

  • G: Pronounced like the 'g' in "garden". Example: "goal" (a point scored in sports).

  • Ğ: Known as "yumuşak ge" (soft g). It lengthens the preceding vowel and is often silent. Example: "ağ" (imagine saying "aah" in surprise).

İ and I

  • İ: Pronounced like the 'ee' in "see". Note that it is always dotted, even in uppercase: İ. Example: "index" (a list or guide).

  • I: Pronounced like the 'uh' in "sofa". It is a dotless i. Example: "item" (an individual thing).

J and Y

  • J: Pronounced like the 's' in "measure". Example: "genre" (a category of art or music).

  • Y: Pronounced like the 'y' in "yes". Example: "yellow" (a color).

Ö and Ü

  • Ö: Similar to the 'i' in "bird" (with rounded lips). Example: "burn" (to set on fire, if you say it with rounded lips).

  • Ü: Similar to the 'u' in "flute" (with rounded lips). Example: "flute" (a musical instrument).

S, Ş and Z

  • S: Pronounced like the 's' in "sun". Example: "see" (to look at).

  • Ş: Pronounced like the 'sh' in "shoe". Example: "shiny" (reflecting light).

  • Z: Pronounced like the 'z' in "zebra". Example: "zero" (the number 0).

By understanding and practicing the pronunciation of these letters, you'll find it easier to read, write, and speak Turkish. Remember that consistent practice is key to mastering any new language, so don't hesitate to listen to native speakers and mimic their pronunciation.


Listen and repeat.

Turkish alphabet


  • at - horse

  • anne - mother

  • araba - car

  • balık - fish

  • bilet - ticket

  • bardak - glass (drinking glass)

  • cüzdan - wallet

  • cep - pocket

  • cam - glass (material)

  • çiçek - flower

  • çanta - bag

  • çay - tea

  • domates - tomato

  • ders - lesson/class

  • duvar - wall

  • elma - apple

  • ekmek - bread

  • el - hand

  • fil - elephant

  • fare - mouse

  • fırın - oven/bakery

  • gözlük - glasses

  • güneş - sun

  • gömlek - shirt

  • boğa - bull

  • öğrenci - student

  • yağmur - rain

  • hastane - hospital

  • harf - letter (alphabet)

  • havlu - towel

  • ışık - light

  • ırmak - river

  • ızgara - grill

  • incir - fig

  • internet - internet

  • inek - cow

  • Japonya - Japan

  • jokey - jockey

  • jilet - razor blade

  • köpek - dog

  • kalem - pen/pencil

  • kitap - book

  • limon - lemon

  • lokanta - restaurant

  • lira - lira (Turkish currency)

  • masa - table

  • mutfak - kitchen

  • meyve - fruit

  • nar - pomegranate

  • nokta - dot/point

  • nal - horseshoe

  • otobüs - bus

  • oda - room

  • okul - school

  • ördek - duck

  • ödev - homework

  • örnek - example para - money

  • pencere - window

  • pilav - rice (cooked)

  • radyo - radio

  • renk - color

  • ruj - lipstick

  • saat - clock/watch

  • sınıf - classroom

  • su - water

  • şapka - hat

  • şişe - bottle

  • şeker - sugar

  • top - ball

  • telefon - phone

  • tarak - comb

  • uçak - airplane

  • uzun - long

  • uyku - sleep

  • üzüm - grape

  • ütü - iron (for clothes)

  • ülke - country

  • valiz - suitcase

  • vişne - sour cherry

  • vazo - vase

  • yumurta - egg

  • yıldız - star

  • yol - road

  • zürafa - giraffe

  • zil - bell

  • zeytin - olive


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